- If the sale will not complete for any reason, DO NOT SEND THEM OFF WITH THE GIFT CARD WITHOUT COMPLETING THE SALE AND GETTING A RECEIPT. Many times if the steps of the sale are not processed properly it will create an error and not let the sale be completed, if this occurs there will be no value on the gift card. You need to cancel the whole sale and star over.
- If you are not sure if all of the steps were taken properly then START OVER. Our customers will be more than happy to wait an extra minute to get out of the store rather than get a gift card with no value. (remember: if you cancel the sale and you have already put the credit card payment on it you must take the credit card charge off by entering a payment amount as the negative value of the already applied charge)
- If you are not sure the gift card loaded properly you can always check the balance on the home screen of the system.
- The main reason the gift card would not be processed properly is because you did not click in the "Swipe/Key Gift Card" box before swiping the card.
If you have any questions or comments about this please let me know, this is very important. Gift Cards were 10% of our holiday sales last year and we hope to grow that this year.
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