Just a quick reminder on what it takes to be a great salesperson.
1. Maintain a positive attitude towards yourself and your work. When something goes wrong, don't waste time complaining but work towards its correction.
2. Understand a clean and organized store directly correlates to high sales.
3. Approach more customers.
4. Realize that customers are on the defensive. Make a personal remark that demands a positive answer, putting the customer at ease. Never say, “Can I help you?”
5. Carry a prop when approaching a customer and get away quickly to let the customer browse. Return within a few minutes and continue to build rapport.
6. Ask questions that open windows; rarely ask anything that can be answered with a no.
7. Know the store's stock, what's new and what's coming in.
8. Never come out of the stockroom empty-handed. If something is sold out, present something similar.
9. Present additional products and accessories at the close of the sale, i.e. skate tools, DVDs, wax, etc.
10. Locate out-of-stock items from other stores or suggest special ordering other alternatives. Take a deposit to ensure the customer really wants the item.
11. Understand the merchandise: its price points, construction, wear and how it compares to other brands and competitors. Ask about new products before a customer does.
12. Thank customers for their business an be as personal as possible.