Paid employees of Plan Nine are elidgible for the Employee Activity Reimbursement Program. The program is designed to reimburse employees for any cost incurred while participating in activities directly related to the activities serviced by Plan Nine. Every paid employee is entitled to a maximum of $20.00 per month reimbursement for any activity pre-approved and submitted to Plan Nine Management via the appropriate form. Pre-approved activities include; skatepark admittance fees, contest entry fees, and special event entry fees. Many other activities may be approved by management but must be discussed before event.
To receive your reimbursement you must turn in a completed “Employee Activity Reimbursement Form” along with the receipt for the purchase. Reimbursement will be paid to you as a tax free amount on your paycheck for the pay period when the “Employee Activity Reimbursement Form” was submitted.
An "Employee Activity Reimbursement Form" can be downloaded here or obtained from a manager.
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