Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Plan Nine Session/AWS Mind Field Premiere

We are having the first of many "Plan Nine Sessions" next Thursday, Feb 12th at Ramp Riders from 6pm-10pm. This is for everyone that works or skates for Plan Nine as well as all our customers. The idea is to get everyone together to enjoy what we do, skate and ride. As this is the first event I am pumping it up a bit but throwing in free food and the premiere of the new Alien Workshop video Mind Field. This is not required but strongly recommended, I think getting out and skating with the people we serve will be really great. Also, tell all your friends and everyone you skate with regularly. If you have to work that evening I will make sure we alternate for other sessions.

See the newsletter I sent out to the Hook Up here.


Anonymous said...

This was one of my ideas for marketing this year, it's pretty awesome.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sweet, this is awesome, ill definitely be there,

andrew k

Anonymous said...

It is deffinatly badass
Right on Joe

Tim N

Anonymous said...

Nice! sarah

Anonymous said...

ill be there shooting pics
and riding

Anonymous said...

nic w

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eric S