Friday, September 17, 2010

Skatepark Wristbands

Please read the following. It will have all the necessary information on how to manage the daily session wristbands. Please comment below once you have read and let me know if you do not understand anything.
Disregard the missing images.

Wristband System

Wristband Envelopes

Each daily session wristband must be organized in individual 8.5x11 envelopes by wristband color. Each envelope will be labeled with a preprinted Wristband Log Sheet. Only the envelopes needed for a given day will be stored at the cash wrap next to the register for easy access. All unused envelopes will be stored in the Safe Room until needed. In the case an envelope is damaged and unusable extra envelopes are stored in the Safe Room and can be accessed by any manager.

Wristband Log Sheets

Wristband Log Sheets must be applied to the outside of all Wristband Envelopes. The purpose of the Wristband Log Sheet is to keep track of all wristbands dispensed or stocked within its envelope. The sheets will contain the wristband color and color number as well as all transactions for it as of that date. Extra Wristband Log Sheets can be printed from the file located within Google Docs on full size label sheets stored in the Safe Room.

Using Wristband Log Sheets

Opening Task

As part of the Daily To-Do List each opening employee must distribute daily session wristbands. To do this an employee must bring the premade Wristband Envelopes from the Safe Room and place them near the register in the numerical order with the Session #1 envelope in the front (for easy access) and the Employee/All Day envelope in the back. As the day progresses the envelopes will be moved to the back of the stack as they are no longer needed

Daily Use

An employee will use the Wristband Envelopes throughout the day as Session Wristbands are required. Each person entering the park floor will be required to have a wristband on at all times (unless they are an employee who is currently clocked in and working his or her shift). When a session is rang into the POS System a wristband for the corresponding session will be given to the customer. The number of Session Wristbands for each session throughout the day will then be compared to the number of wristbands in the envelope at the close of the day. It is important that any wristband that is taken out of the envelope for any reason be accounted for in the POS System so the count will match the envelope at the end of the day. If a session is returned or a wristband is replaced the returned or damaged wristband must be put back into the appropriate envelope to be discarded at the end of the day when counts are made.

Closing Task – Check Wristband Counts

As part of the Daily To-Do List each closing employee must check wristband counts. To check wristband counts an employee must access a report in the POS System. The report can be found at “” or at “Item Sales” under the “Reports” tab within the POS System. The report needs to be ran for the dates the wristbands were used from (you must enter a date in both fields, typically will be the same date unless there is an All Nighter or Late Skate), the Product Category must be “Skatepark Session” and be sure to group by “Category”, see Image 1.

Image 1

Click “Search” to run the report and get the wristband totals for the day. The report should look similar to the one in Image 2.

Image 2

Now you need to enter the total sessions into the Wristband Log Sheet. Just enter the total amount of sessions for the day into corresponding Wristband Log Sheet, remember to add the All Day, Employee Session, and Non-Skate (or any other sessions that use the same color wristband) counts together as they come from the same envelope. Then you will need to search the envelope for any returned wristbands and enter those in the corresponding column and then discard the wristbands. If the wristband count in the envelope drops below 50 then you will need to restock the wristbands. Retrieve the wristbands from the Safe Room and put them in the envelope writing the amount restocked in the corresponding column (try not to have more than 100 wristbands in any given envelope to avoid errors). You will now need to find the sum of each row using the following equation:


Then count all the remaining wristbands in the envelope and it should match the End Count for that row. Once you have the end count carry it down to the Open Count of the column below and it is ready to use for another day.

Closing Task – Make Wristband Packs for Next Day

Once all the wristbands have been counted and the Wristband Log Sheets have been filled out you can make wristband packs for the next day. To do this you need to determine how many Wristband Envelopes you will need and label them. One Wristband Envelope will be needed for each session as well as one for All Day Sessions and Employees. You may also need Wristband Envelopes for any special events that require a separate entry wristband. Once you have determined the number needed you will need to label the next available row of each envelope with the date and session use. Be sure you do not do the same session wristband color for two days in a row if possible. Write either “#1”, #2, or so on for regular sessions, or “EMP” for employee or all day sessions, or any code necessary to correspond with the use of that session wristband. Once those are labeled place them in the appropriate place in the Safe Room so they are ready for the next day.

Wristband Distribution

Every participant on the skatepark floor must have a session wristband on. Whether they are a paying customer, a park employee or volunteer, a parent, or a filmer/photographer, they must have a session wristband to enter the skatepark floor. Session wristbands can only be distributed to customers/employees once they have been rang into the POS System. Ringing them into the POS System will both confirm they have a Liability Waiver on file and that the wristband count remains accurate. When a customer receives a wristband it must first have the date written on the wristband over the perforated sticker tab that attaches the wristband to itself in permanent marker (Sharpie). The date should be written in the DD/MM format. The employee should attach the wristband around the customers wrist themselves whenever possible.