Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Black Friday All Day Session for only $15

We are running a promotion on Black Friday (November 26th) for an all day session for only $15. I sent coupons out via email and facebook. Customers are required to print out and turn in the coupons when they purchase the session. It does not include rental helmets. Just discount the All Day Session when you ring it in. Please remember to put the coupon in the register to be collected at the end of the day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Complete Skateboards Are Win Win

As I'm sure you already noticed the Holiday Completes are in stock. These are a staple of our holiday sales every year. SELL THESE FIRST! If any customer comes in looking for a complete board as an Christmas gift please show them the preassembled completes first. There are many reasons to sell these that benefit both us and the customer:

Customer Benefits - Solution
  • Best price of any complete skateboard - save money to afford even more great gifts
  • Pre-assembled means it can be returned - provides peace of mind when it comes to buying a complete skateboard, if it isn't perfect it can be swapped for what the customer really wanted
  • Color and graphic schemes - they won't have to pick out each and every component when they typically don't know exactly what they want
  • Smaller sizes for beginners and young skaters - the perfect board for the younger/beginner skater
  • Save time with pre-assembly - the holidays are hectic, help them make their purchase and be on their way
Plan Nine Benefits
  • These are cheaper so they are easier to sell, less sticker shock for first time buyers
  • They carry a much higher margin than any custom built complete
  • pre assembled and ready to go, save time and energy by simply handing over the board
  • smaller sizes so you can better accommodate the beginner/younger skater
  • lots of back stock, if they are just looking you can be assured it will be there when they come back to purchase
Remember to grab the completes from the back room when you sell them. We should have enough to get us all the way through Christmas. Don't forget SELL THEM A UNIT TOOL, only $10 and we have every color under the sun!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wristband Sheet Changes

In order to be more efficient we are now using wristband sheets that are permanently attached to the envelopes. The wristband sheets will be used in the same was as before except that instead of using a pen you will use a dry erase marker to fill in the sheet. Once the sheet is full it can be erased and filled out again.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pass the Test, Get a Raise.

Follow the link below to the Sales Training Test. Just watch the videos and answer the questions. Get 100% correct and your raise goes into effect for the upcoming paycheck. The only stipulation is that the test can only be taken once daily, so make sure you know your stuff before you try it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Employee Activity Reimbursement Program

Paid employees of Plan Nine are elidgible for the Employee Activity Reimbursement Program. The program is designed to reimburse employees for any cost incurred while participating in activities directly related to the activities serviced by Plan Nine. Every paid employee is entitled to a maximum of $20.00 per month reimbursement for any activity pre-approved and submitted to Plan Nine Management via the appropriate form. Pre-approved activities include; skatepark admittance fees, contest entry fees, and special event entry fees. Many other activities may be approved by management but must be discussed before event.

To receive your reimbursement you must turn in a completed “Employee Activity Reimbursement Form” along with the receipt for the purchase. Reimbursement will be paid to you as a tax free amount on your paycheck for the pay period when the “Employee Activity Reimbursement Form” was submitted.

An "Employee Activity Reimbursement Form" can be downloaded here or obtained from a manager.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Skatepark Wristbands

Please read the following. It will have all the necessary information on how to manage the daily session wristbands. Please comment below once you have read and let me know if you do not understand anything.
Disregard the missing images.

Wristband System

Wristband Envelopes

Each daily session wristband must be organized in individual 8.5x11 envelopes by wristband color. Each envelope will be labeled with a preprinted Wristband Log Sheet. Only the envelopes needed for a given day will be stored at the cash wrap next to the register for easy access. All unused envelopes will be stored in the Safe Room until needed. In the case an envelope is damaged and unusable extra envelopes are stored in the Safe Room and can be accessed by any manager.

Wristband Log Sheets

Wristband Log Sheets must be applied to the outside of all Wristband Envelopes. The purpose of the Wristband Log Sheet is to keep track of all wristbands dispensed or stocked within its envelope. The sheets will contain the wristband color and color number as well as all transactions for it as of that date. Extra Wristband Log Sheets can be printed from the file located within Google Docs on full size label sheets stored in the Safe Room.

Using Wristband Log Sheets

Opening Task

As part of the Daily To-Do List each opening employee must distribute daily session wristbands. To do this an employee must bring the premade Wristband Envelopes from the Safe Room and place them near the register in the numerical order with the Session #1 envelope in the front (for easy access) and the Employee/All Day envelope in the back. As the day progresses the envelopes will be moved to the back of the stack as they are no longer needed

Daily Use

An employee will use the Wristband Envelopes throughout the day as Session Wristbands are required. Each person entering the park floor will be required to have a wristband on at all times (unless they are an employee who is currently clocked in and working his or her shift). When a session is rang into the POS System a wristband for the corresponding session will be given to the customer. The number of Session Wristbands for each session throughout the day will then be compared to the number of wristbands in the envelope at the close of the day. It is important that any wristband that is taken out of the envelope for any reason be accounted for in the POS System so the count will match the envelope at the end of the day. If a session is returned or a wristband is replaced the returned or damaged wristband must be put back into the appropriate envelope to be discarded at the end of the day when counts are made.

Closing Task – Check Wristband Counts

As part of the Daily To-Do List each closing employee must check wristband counts. To check wristband counts an employee must access a report in the POS System. The report can be found at “” or at “Item Sales” under the “Reports” tab within the POS System. The report needs to be ran for the dates the wristbands were used from (you must enter a date in both fields, typically will be the same date unless there is an All Nighter or Late Skate), the Product Category must be “Skatepark Session” and be sure to group by “Category”, see Image 1.

Image 1

Click “Search” to run the report and get the wristband totals for the day. The report should look similar to the one in Image 2.

Image 2

Now you need to enter the total sessions into the Wristband Log Sheet. Just enter the total amount of sessions for the day into corresponding Wristband Log Sheet, remember to add the All Day, Employee Session, and Non-Skate (or any other sessions that use the same color wristband) counts together as they come from the same envelope. Then you will need to search the envelope for any returned wristbands and enter those in the corresponding column and then discard the wristbands. If the wristband count in the envelope drops below 50 then you will need to restock the wristbands. Retrieve the wristbands from the Safe Room and put them in the envelope writing the amount restocked in the corresponding column (try not to have more than 100 wristbands in any given envelope to avoid errors). You will now need to find the sum of each row using the following equation:


Then count all the remaining wristbands in the envelope and it should match the End Count for that row. Once you have the end count carry it down to the Open Count of the column below and it is ready to use for another day.

Closing Task – Make Wristband Packs for Next Day

Once all the wristbands have been counted and the Wristband Log Sheets have been filled out you can make wristband packs for the next day. To do this you need to determine how many Wristband Envelopes you will need and label them. One Wristband Envelope will be needed for each session as well as one for All Day Sessions and Employees. You may also need Wristband Envelopes for any special events that require a separate entry wristband. Once you have determined the number needed you will need to label the next available row of each envelope with the date and session use. Be sure you do not do the same session wristband color for two days in a row if possible. Write either “#1”, #2, or so on for regular sessions, or “EMP” for employee or all day sessions, or any code necessary to correspond with the use of that session wristband. Once those are labeled place them in the appropriate place in the Safe Room so they are ready for the next day.

Wristband Distribution

Every participant on the skatepark floor must have a session wristband on. Whether they are a paying customer, a park employee or volunteer, a parent, or a filmer/photographer, they must have a session wristband to enter the skatepark floor. Session wristbands can only be distributed to customers/employees once they have been rang into the POS System. Ringing them into the POS System will both confirm they have a Liability Waiver on file and that the wristband count remains accurate. When a customer receives a wristband it must first have the date written on the wristband over the perforated sticker tab that attaches the wristband to itself in permanent marker (Sharpie). The date should be written in the DD/MM format. The employee should attach the wristband around the customers wrist themselves whenever possible.

Monday, August 9, 2010

CASA's for Kids at St. Louis Mills

Plan Nine is proudly participating in the CASA's for Kids program benefiting CASA. We have built a "skatable" playhouse to be raffled off to raise money for CASA. Also, as part of our participation we will be handling all the money in the morning and evenings for the raffle ticket sales as well as selling raffle tickets when CASA volunteers are unavailable. The details for this are as follows:
There are 4 houses at the Mills (just outside of Glow Golf) and 4 houses at Ambassador Floor (they were to big to fit in the Mills so there are pictures on the tables). There is also a wagon in the raffle. All the funds raised are going to assist abused/neglected children in foster care.

A CASA volunteer will come to the skatepark each morning at park open to retrieve the cash box and raffle tickets. Please be sure they identify themselves as a CASA volunteer before you give them anything.

At the end of each days volunteer shift they will return the cash box and raffle tickets to us, this will be around 6pm.

When the cash box and raffle tickets are transferred from Plan Nine staff to the a CASA volunteer be sure to fill out and sign the log sheet.

From the time the CASA volunteer shift ends until the close of the mall each day we will be in charge of selling raffle tickets.

The tickets are 1 for $4, 3 for $10 and 10 for $30.

If paying by cash feel free to make change out of the register if the proper change is not available in the CASA cash box.

If a customer wants to pay via credit card, have them fill out the credit card slip with all the required information and have them sign off on the amount of money listed. Please double check the credit card number before handing the card back. If someone wants a receipt please note it on the credit card form and it will be mailed to them once the card is processed.

Checks are accepted, please have them make it out to CASA. Make sure the address is current and there is a phone number listed.

If you have any questions or concerns please call the CASA office at (314) 615-2908 or if it is after business hours contact Cheri Lenac at (314) 540-3802.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Etnies BMX Tour Pre-Sale

We will be pre-selling sessions for the Etnies BMX Tour that will be at the park on Monday, May 17th. It will be BMX only and there are 100 spots available. If someone comes in to the store to buy one please use SKU# 140406 and make sure you write down the name of the person coming and send it to me in a message along with the receipt number. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

All Sales Staff Meeting this Sunday

All sales staff meeting this Sunday from 7-9pm at the skatepark. Be here!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Free Movie Passes

If you're interested in see the new movie "Hot Tub Time Machine" we have free advance screening passes for this Wednesday at the Mills Mall. See image for details.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Sorry everybody, looks like our blogger account got hacked. I tried to fix it, we'll see if it worked.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sales Staff Meeting

All Sales Staff Meeting on Sunday, January 17th at 7pm. Please mark your calendars.