Thursday, February 5, 2009

Skatepark Guide

I will be assembling a "St. Louis Skatepark Guide" over the next few months and could use your help. This will be a trifold brochure that we can distribute at the shops that will have a map of St. Louis with all the skateparks in the area as points on the map. It should be really helpful for customers and make a great resource for the glove box when you need a new place to skate. Please rack your brain for a bit and list all the parks you can think of in the area. List them all in the comments of the blog. All I need is a name and general area and I will do all the research. Think hard, lets not forget any.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Plan Nine Session/AWS Mind Field Premiere

We are having the first of many "Plan Nine Sessions" next Thursday, Feb 12th at Ramp Riders from 6pm-10pm. This is for everyone that works or skates for Plan Nine as well as all our customers. The idea is to get everyone together to enjoy what we do, skate and ride. As this is the first event I am pumping it up a bit but throwing in free food and the premiere of the new Alien Workshop video Mind Field. This is not required but strongly recommended, I think getting out and skating with the people we serve will be really great. Also, tell all your friends and everyone you skate with regularly. If you have to work that evening I will make sure we alternate for other sessions.

See the newsletter I sent out to the Hook Up here.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We made it!

January is typically the toughest month of the entire year. It's cold, kids are fat from the holidays, and mom's credit card bill showed up. I thank all of you for staying on task and making sure the stores performed as well as they could. If it seemed super slow just think of this way, we were actually up from last year! It is just that time of the year. February will be slow again but you should see a little boost as the month progresses.
In other news, we are relocating our Fairview Heights store. The mall has offered us a bigger space with greater visibility and we are to move within the month. Should be good for that store.
Also, Andrew Keller will now be managing the St. Peters store. With a manager in place at each store it should free up some time for me to work on the business and start planning things for the summer.
Stay motivated out there! The worst is over.